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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Business Etiquette & Service Excellence.

With not an inkling of idea what it was about from seniors, other than that you have to wear business formal for every tutorial, it turns out to be quite an interesting subject. Topics such as creating a professional presence, how to go about delighting your customers and also the art of corporate entertainment, which was better emphasized through a dining task assigned to us; I feel that these are really useful for business school students to understand the basic requirements, especially when we are in the hospitality and tourism industry.

Through this, I realized I became more conscious of my every little action. The way I speak, the way I stand, the way I dress, and the way I eat even, it’s suddenly all on display with a spotlight on me showing how I portray myself to the world. Perhaps while we are still in campus there might be little difference, but when we go out there or during the Student Internship Program (SIP), it is the smallest details that tells the employer about you, your character, your behavior, your attitude. First impression really counts. You don’t get a second chance or a dining task to let your employer get to know you better. Ever watched “Style by Jury”? The critical comments the jury make when they are behind closed doors, not a very pleasant experience to hear them straight in the face.

Being conscious is not enough. Just like how my secondary friends and I like to joke about the abbreviation for North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to stand for “No Action, Talk Only”. By being alert and aware about all these things at all times, I‘ve received comments such as I’m careful and sensitive, diligent, with an air of elegance, of which I have never heard before and I know I do not have these qualities to began with. So, in my opinion, I’ve really gained a lot of knowledge with regard to creating a professional presence.

In the service industry, delighting customers is like of the number one importance. Through the lectures and workshops on this topic, I have learnt things such as creating trust between customers and service provider, fulfilling their needs, and to go about doing all these with style and professionalism. We have all been customers ourselves; we know how demanding we are when being served by others. Seldom do we think of the other party, the service provider, how challenging it is to satisfy us and to delight us at the same time, for them to do their job and to make us happy. Thus by thinking from the customers’ point of views, we understand their needs better, we know as a customer how we want things to be done, so all we have to do, as service providers now, is to do it accordingly.

It is also noted that after I’ve learnt more about the service industry, I feel for the service providers more. I understand the difficulty and level of self-discipline you need to have, that level of commitment to do a job well. Hence I would always be more lenient and thank them as much as possible such that even my grandmother thinks I’m being too polite. Her view is that it is their job to serve us, we are meant to be served, so just sit back relax and enjoy the service. First thought: A typical Singaporean and that is why there are so many foreign talents in the service industry as compared to fellow countrymen. At this point I would like to quote from Ritz Carlton, “We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen”, rephrase: we are not your maids, we do not listen to your beck and call but we are here to provide a service, something more to add value to your experience with us.

Last but not least, the art of corporate entertainment. Table manners, etiquette, and social etiquette, these may seem like common sense and what we were supposed to be taught from young. But after going through the lecture and workshop then observing Singaporeans, this is definitely not the case here. You get to see people eating the same way as they do in a coffee shop when they are in a high-end restaurant. While taking bus and train, people are squeezing in trying to get a seat for themselves first, regardless of elderly or pregnant ladies present. When hailing for a taxi, people stand further in front, so as to get it first. Really, there is no reason for us to get angry when others call Singaporeans ugly.

It is true that by learning all these things now, we can start making a difference with the younger generation. However, it is impractical when you are still among the midst of the older generation. They just continue to shove you out of their way and by being gracious, just as how we were taught to be, we give way. The thing is, by giving a thought to others, we’re termed as “stupid”, which is what my grandmother always say to me when I refuse to stand right in front of the bus or train doors with her, but rather stand in the back and be the last to board. Also, it is really inconvenient for us to practice these etiquettes when other people do not follow the protocol as you do, especially when the bus is full and you are running late. Thus for me, it depends on the situation that I am in. When going out, I allocate a few extra minutes to my travelling time so that if I happened to miss any bus due to such reasons, at least I will still be on time. This is more suitable for me as I do not have to fight with others to board the bus first, I am also less panicky with the extra time thus more composed, and also still be punctual for classes, outings or any other events.

For business etiquette and service excellence, all these topics actually do have something in common. That is to be alert, pay attention to details and be observant. Through these, we are aware of our own presence, how we portray ourselves to others; notified of the needs of customers and what they expect by paying attention to their behavior; observing our surroundings and situations and apply concepts learnt on general etiquette accordingly. By practicing enough, you actually get to cultivate a good habit and helped to shape your own character and personality, which ultimately gives you a good impression with people like your employers. They can see and perceive you to be a good employee hence increasing your chance of getting the job or a promotion.

“It is not a subject but a lifestyle.”

it is FINISHED @ 10:36

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Congratulations! I am delighted to inform you that the Ministry of Home Affairs is offering you a provisional merit award. Our offer is as follows:


just when i thought i wasn't gonna get it for sure.
just when i convinced myself that i wasn't cut out for this industry.
just when i have already planned out my life WITHOUT the 4 years bond.
just, shit.

it is FINISHED @ 02:08

Sunday, July 11, 2010

you rush off to work
in the morning
no time to talk to Me
and throughout the morning
a 101 things occupy your mind
I am totally crowded out

you face every difficulty
in your own strength
as I stand by you
longing to guide you
you hurry here, there and everywhere
as if I don't exist

then off to lunch you go
with a noisy laughing crowd
but not a word of thanksgiving
not the smallest whisper of prayer
I've given you a direct line to Me
but you never seem to call

then work and work and work some more
not a single workd to Me
not even at the close of day
when evening shadows fall
then as I gaze longingly at your sleeping face
my heart breaks as I wait for you
to wake again

perhaps tomorrow you'll turn to Me
for a fellowship that is sweet
but not a word of thanksgiving
not the smallest whisper of prayer
I've given you a direct line to Me
but you never seem to call

-Pastor Rony Tan (:

it is FINISHED @ 21:22

Monday, July 5, 2010

looking back...
people might think the changes are insignificant.
they might think there isn't really much changes at all.
but i know...

from the heck-care attitude,
from the non-stop vulgarities.
the many many puppy loves,
and you...

so many people i still remember,
so many people i've forgotten.
the many many people in my life currently,
and more to come...

the class monitor and monitress in p1,
the skipping experts.
p2, the super good at drawing pokemon min,
yea, i remember you.
the girl in p3 who promised me a walkabout in school,
it still hasn't come true.
dennis the molestor in p4,
i will never ever forget you.
adlin and larry in p5,
who's responsible for my powderful england and awesome chinese.
then again, p6 was enjoyable
thanks to you two.

into innocent sec1,
you were like a big brother to me.
we got together in sec2,
but wasn't meant to last.
a third party, your best friend,
my np senior, helped to tie up our loose end.
sec3 was a blur,
with playing, break-ups, class havocs,
and everything else, that has nothing to do with o levels.
then come sec4,
and we were still playing.
until we saw our prelim results, and started worrying.
mrs poh was great, we got 'band 0',
not the best in history,
but the best, in History. (:

the mini break, the working period,
was truly terrible, but with the greatest experience.
never wanted to work in fnb again,
but hey, welcome to ssm.

valuable lessons learnt in poly,
valuable lessons learnt in secondary school,
valuable lessons learnt in primary school,
helped to shape what i am today.

but what i didn't realise,
was that You were with me all these while.
You were looking over me,
secretly prompting me to choose the right path.
and pulled me to Yourself,
through wonderful people that i would never thank enough.

the many times i went off course,
the many times i was faithless,
still You didn't give up on me,
still You love me.

'cause i know You gave
 the world Your only Son
 for us to know Your Name
 to live within the Saviour's love
 and He took my place
 knowing He'll be crucified
 and You love, You love
 a people undeserving'

why..? how..?
i still can't understand.
i still can't grasp,
the severity of the situation,
the depth of Your love,
the awesomeness of Your power,
the infinite grace.

'i once was lost, but now am found,
 was blind, but now i see'

now that i am with You,
now that You are in me,
it doesn't matter that no one else notice.
everything else, is insignificant.

Lord, You... have changed me.

it is FINISHED @ 19:09