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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i havent been blogging recently,
and partly's because i'm lazy.
but there's just so many things going on,
that you don't want other people to see.
the messed up life,
the confused mind,
the aching heart,
all caused by that stupid spark.

but still the cat's gotta be let out,
the beans' gotta be spilled.
if not i'll just be like a balloon,
that's gonna burst when it's over filled.

i've been chased out of my house twice,
threatened, beaten, to never come back.
but the truth is, i don't really care.
the lies/deceptions/threats to kill yourself doesn't work on me anymore
especially when you've been doing this,
since i was in primary school and still on going forevermore.

i have been neglecting some of my friends, perhaps all,
but i just don't have time to balance them all.
my break is that limited,
it's either you or her.
i sincerely hope you guys would forgive me
if i seem to be drifting away.
and still consider me part of the awesome gang,
that would be forever etched in my heart and never ever sway.

the precious few,
you know who you are.
and those other friends,
you know we're meant to last. (:

and since when i became so poetic,
it's starting to freak me out.
no thanks to house of night,
or that one person i've been thinking about.

those three times i saw you today.
those three mini heart attacks i had.
were really the best time of my life (okay maybe today),
that i've ever had.
i've been noticing you since day one (don't mean to sound like a stalker but yeah)
i hope you've noticed me too
in my oh-so-clumsy efforts to try to get to know you.
but your mind seems far away,
it seems to be on somebody else.
somebody that is definitely not me,
but still, i wish you well.
i hope she cherish you,
i really really hope she do.
but in case she breaks your heart,
just remember that i love you too. xD

[okay... this is really random.]

it is FINISHED @ 02:52

you totally made my day with your 3 appearances. (:

it is FINISHED @ 02:30

Sunday, May 9, 2010

once upon a time,
there was a little boy.
he very much wanted a bicycle.
so, he decided to pray to God:

dear Jesus, if you could give me a bicycle,
i promise You
i'll be good, i'll worship You, i'll serve You wholeheartedly
for one entire year.

then, he climbed on his bed and get ready to sleep.
but, then he thought:
gosh. one year is a really reaaaally long time.
so, he got down and rephrase his prayer:

dear Jesus, if you could give me a bicycle,
i promise You
i'll be good, i'll worship You, i'll serve You wholeheartedly
for one entire month.

feeling satisfied, he went back to his bed.
but, then he thought:
actually, one month is quite long too.
so, he got down and rephrase his prayer:

dear Jesus, if you could give me a bicycle,
i promise You
i'll be good, i'll worship You, i'll serve You wholeheartedly
for one whole week.

just as he got comfortable on his bed,
he suddenly remembered,
just down the street there's a little chapel.
so, he got off his bed, got dressed, put on his slippers,
and ran to the chapel.
he took a teeny weeny little mary statue from the altar
and ran all the way back home.
he put the statue in his closet then he locked it up.

he got down on his knees
as he rephrase his prayer again.

dear Jesus,
if you ever want to see Your mother again...

it is FINISHED @ 23:02

Monday, May 3, 2010


- HTMkg Project (Christmas @ Singapore Flyer)
- BESE Project (Business Etiquette for China)
- SgLaw Project (Abortion)
- TTO Project (Singapore Itinerary)
- BoE Business Proposal (...?)
- SSM Project

- Gospel Seminar Qns
1. What was God's plan at creation?
2. Was it God's plan that the fall happened?
3. Was He frustrated by it?
4. Was there a purpose to the fall?
5. Did God predetermine that the fall would happened?
    (a) If yes, how, why and yet could He not be the author of sin?
    (b) If no, how do we explain the two texts below?
>> Revelation 13:8 - All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast-all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.
>> Revelation 17:8 - The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not and yet will come.
[i have no idea whether i copied correctly or not because they totally don't make sense to me!]

- Life Project
[yeah, i can't believe church also has project ._. ]

it is FINISHED @ 21:27