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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

ssm was... quite fun i guess? lol.
it totally brings back the memories from npcc. :D
life of a cadet.
get scolding but still feel damn shiok. LOL.
it was like... all the tutors act fierce nia.
that was for the grooming part.
scream here and there.
throw things here and there.
pretend to hit us. hahas.
and after that when activities start, they were joking with us le. xD
ohh. the bricks are seriously heavy. lol.
managed to carry 3 on the hand and 6 on the shoulder.
saw kaixin after that, and she "revealed" that the tutors take turns to act fierce one. lol. it's like their batch was mr A and B to be the fiercest tutors. and this batch was mr C and D.
and mr malik was supposedly fierce during her batch. but he was really nice and played with us when vera and i asked him for our files. hahas.

awesome tutors for today: mr geoffrey tai, mr nicholas malik, mr leonard chong, and the bad guy of the day, mr darren neo. :D
[ ... dreads the return of mr goh though. ): ]

and! i've washed my hair twice.
it still smells like the spray.
and it's still kinda hard. ):

it is FINISHED @ 22:10

Thursday, April 22, 2010

happily go to the temple and even offer joss sticks to those metal statues you call "gods".
funny thing is, you were praying to them and expects God himself to answer your prayers.

ssm tomorrow... ):
i hope i won't screw up.

oh. i remember what i wanted to say le.
you were so FAKE today.
it seems even faker when you tried to act nice after i pointed out that you were stupid.
so stubborn and full of pride.
came up with some stupid excuse that is like DUH, obviously not!
hmm. i should understand. that you couldn't come up with anything logical without your sister. (:
[okay. i know i'm mean, but i'm pissed off.]

it is FINISHED @ 21:40

Monday, April 12, 2010

must try the teh-bing here!
even my ahma say it's nice. hahah.

school starting soooooon...
= homework / tutorials / projects
= sleepless nights
but also = hanging out with friends every single day again. :D

it is FINISHED @ 19:16

Monday, April 5, 2010

4/4 is LOVE! :D
about half the class turned up.
so... it's not bad le right? hahah.
and lucky we didn't wait for vicky at yck mrt.
if not we would have wasted 4 hours of our lives.
(he only smsed us that he's not coming at about 6pm when we were supposed to meet at 2. zzz.)
many thanks to the chefs who worked hard since 12nn! lol.
meishan, junyao, cheryl, zonghan, yuerong, junlin and kenneth.
yes, they are edible.
and yes, they tasted not bad too. hahah.

the oily dogs!
i have no idea how they came up with this but, here it goes:

germaine: i like the hot dogs!
junlin: lol. girls only like the hotdogs.
germaine: ???
junyao: LOL. junlin damn sick.
zonghan (i think): but nice what. they are lubricated some more.
everyone: *!!!* and *HAHAHAH*

oh and there was this part,
where we were talking about the teachers (wyz and albk)...
and also couples...
and also schools...
hahahah. :D

[word of the day: grok (to understand)]

it is FINISHED @ 16:50

Friday, April 2, 2010

happy good friday!
thank you Lord for dying on the cross for us. (:
and yeshh, i get to hear pacer's voice today! xD
it's totally awesome how he always echoes my heartfelt words out loud.

went out with yuxuan after that.
first to mac, and then we got chased away. hahah.
so we went to kfc and saw hilmie, zul, prashan and their gang.
their facial expressions were priceless when they saw junbin join us. LOL.
they were discussing chemistry and it's like total greek to me please. hahah. don't understand at all. my b3 for o level chem is like 摆美 one lor. hahah.
and my math really 退步 le... don't remember integration at all.

oh. yesterday. WTH.
i got pranked!
yes, i know it was april fool so it's perfectly alright. but!! ZZZ!!
it all started with the two who oh-worked-so-hard-that-they-cracked-their-brains friends, who decided to prank miss smart-who-figured-it-out-at-once.
hx got "angry" and "quarrelled" with them.
and using that as an "excuse" to CHEAT MY FEELINGS.
wth. and i 费 so much 心思 trying to calm her down and talking a whole lot of counselling crap. and at 12am all i received were "HAHAHAHHA" and "LOL".
awesome friends right. ^____^

it is FINISHED @ 21:51