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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Monday, August 31, 2009

went back to anderson today.
concert was great!
good job SPRINT! xD
and also the rest of the councillors.
aaaaand happy teachers' day to all! :D

cut short cut short! lol.
went with jialin to taka.
supposedly to look for advanced geography textbook but was sold out,
two years ago... hahaha.
came back to amk and saw yuxuan and 4/1 '08.
so our whole gang went to watch The Proposal.
super nice please.
cute guy + chio girl + nice storyline = great show

miss andersonians loads. (:

it is FINISHED @ 21:40

Thursday, August 27, 2009


oh. my. gosh.
it's like only 5 MONTHS since i enter poly and so much things have already happened.
and it seems as if a whole year had passed.
how time flies...

-good luck to sec4s for prelim and o level!
-goodbye/takecare/goodluck to anna!
-and see y'all ex-andersonians this monday!

it is FINISHED @ 19:09

Saturday, August 22, 2009

met up with jialin again.
supposedly to study.
so i brought my pom notes and photocopied past year papers and met her at khatib to go to some ulu ulu cafe.
and i sat down... open up deception point and started reading. lol.
for the whole time (5 to 8+pm),
i've been reading the book and havent once touch my pom notes (except to take it out and place it on my lap).
jialin just flip a few pages of her maths textbook and most of the time we were just catching up with one another about school.
it seems SUPER long ago when i was still wearing pinafore,
surrounded by jialin and krys,
sitting at the canteen talking from 2+ till 4 about nothing in particular...

well, after that we went compass point's long john to have dinner.
and saw sheryl!
ya know, the infocomm vice president.
she still look pretty much the same since i last saw her,
which happens to be 2 years ago.
and she couldn't remember me, though she did say i look familiar.
it wasn't until i said i was from tp and jialin helped with the "ys's ex" part then she remember me.
so, with her appearance,
jialin was reminded of how infocomm was like when she was still around,
taking care of the juniors and how slack that president was and sheryl had to do everything herself. hahah.
(totally expected. typical behavior of his.)
[ah crap. i miss him. ): ]
back to walking down of memory lane,
jialin was recalling the scene when their batch o level results were released.
[and now i miss anderson all over again.]

hopefully tomorrow can go out with jialin again,
this time meeting chuyun as well. :D

it is FINISHED @ 22:43

Thursday, August 20, 2009

21 August, Friday
Sports Hall

24 August, Monday
Principles of Management
Sports Hall

26 August, Wednesday
Food & Beverages

Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism

27 August, Thursday
Research for Hospitality & Tourism

[arghh... i'm still not studying.]

it is FINISHED @ 21:46

Friday, August 14, 2009

okay huixuan. here i am. lol.

i forgot what i plan to write since the last update.
but anyway,
i'll update my results for coursework after monday 17 august.
didn't do as well as planned. ):

just went out with yuxuan! (:
went bugis to look for youen's present.
bought ______. (:
and we're gonna meet up tomorrow as well for some charity walk.
after that both of us going tp (yes!) to study with jialin.
the three of us hadn't been together since sec2? hmm...

[looking forward to tomorrow!]

it is FINISHED @ 21:32

Saturday, August 8, 2009

wednesday 5 august:

and i completely forgot about it and went isabelle's house to watch casper. -.-

thursday 6 august:
suppose to come school early to have commskill presentation rehearsal.
saffy and huixuan couldnt make it = postponed.
(postponed to today but was pushed back to tuesday again. lol.)
commskill finished at about 4.
2 full hours before dg actually starts.
so i decided to went home early. ^^
but when i boarded the bus,
jc sms me and ask me to meet her at design school canteen so we could start the dg early.
yes, just the two of us. romantic hur.

friday 7 august:
i skipped school! LOL.
went back to ANDERSON to celebrate ndp with them. ((:
i was the only ex-andersonian there for assembly lah.
qy was supposed to be there but she pangseh me!
(okay, she explained to me today that she woke up late and forgot to bring her phone while rushing.)
not the same parade as last year (okay there was no parade at all),
but there's colours party.
i videoed it. see for yourself whether it was good or not. lol.
after the assembly was the colours award thingy, i think.
so the ugs, sports, performing arts went up on stage to collect the tube look-alike thingy.
then got carnival!! (no concert this year. cause they say h1n1 no time to rehearse. the same goes for the parade too.)
the booths are like all over the place,
not as organised as previous years.
classrooms, canteens, inspire town, outside staff room all have.
the ideas this year are like damn cool please!
got dunking machine, the float thingy where you have to fight your opponent and knock them off their feet, some water babies hunt by 2/5, karaoke session and lots more!
(okay, the ideas arent new but these were a never-seen-before in anderson. hahaha.)
bought soba to eat. (yes, they sell soba!!)
there was this booth selling bbq food,
and they were really bbq-ing on the spot! (got pictures to prove)
stayed at the karaoke "booth" (it's just at the amphitheatre) the most.
cause mrs cheong was singing!!
she's good lor. better than mrs trixie ong. (LOL)
there was another chinese teacher who sang like a pro.
forgot her name le. hahaha.
olivia went to sing too!! our campus superstar! :D
(oh. the fruit stall uncle said me and oli looks like sisters. :O )

- Hihi this is JiaLin doing my Project Work Evaluation of Material at Patricia's school. (That's Temasek Poly!) Lols... Weird... Hahaha... -

okay back to me.
shall stop here and update the rest later.
let her do her work. (:
hahahah. i'm nice!

it is FINISHED @ 11:36

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

mr seah. hurh.
first macro lesson,
he taught us how to kill a snake.
now is like almost the last few lessons,
he taught us how to tame a monkey by slapping it.
and also how a stud actually bit his brother's xiaodidi.
*raised eyebrows*

after commskill, there was supposedly a meeting to "conclude" this whole drama.
don't think she'll let it go though.
not when mrs ong is gonna have a talk with her regarding pom peer evaluation.

and huixuan did some serious stupid things today!!
the whole "over my dead body" dance,
plus "who is our president?? i THINK i got see him before."
alamak lah huixuan... alamak...

[& my answer to her is

it is FINISHED @ 20:43

Monday, August 3, 2009

what the

it is FINISHED @ 17:35