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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Monday, July 27, 2009

there and back again.

it is FINISHED @ 22:12

Saturday, July 25, 2009

lol. she chased me out.
in school now doing econs with jhy.
and we're talking on msn,
when we're only like beside each other. LOL.

damn piss yesterday!!
1. she spoilt my econs lecture notes.
2. she slap and splashed water all over me.
3. she chased me out in the middle of the night,
and i had no choice but to take taxi to cck.
the thing is, the fare was a bloody $50.30!!!!!!!!
the driver !#$%^&*() went to changi airport to take pie,
all the way to jurong and bukit batok before going cck. WTF.

so now i have to travel from cck to tampines.
and my ahma blame me for not choosing singapore poly in the first place. :(

it is FINISHED @ 13:13

Friday, July 24, 2009

and 1H09's slowest/laggest/most retard person is.... *drum roll*
HUIXUAN! *claps claps*

aloy was doing some stupid action during f&b today. lol.

trouken became zao geng.
laugh until my ears red, again.

oh, and i kind of slapped myself too hard.
cause i wanted to stop myself from humming sdo songs. hahaha.

ohoh!! and now kaijing is also addicted to sdo.
gonna psycho the whole class to play. xD

and i can't remember the rest of the attention getters. lol.

tomorrow staying over at joanna's aunt's place.
to chiong out macroecons.
break time most probably gonna play sdo lor. hahah.

what i'm doing now:
talking with huixuan ;
checking mail ;
blogging ;
checking ole-bb and vbus ;
doing individual econs analysis ;
on facebook ;
and playing sdo.
just admit it, i'm good at multi-tasking. LOL.

it is FINISHED @ 19:49

Thursday, July 23, 2009

surprisingly, she didn't flare up today.
and she just smsed me to ask her to do her part for macro.

it is FINISHED @ 22:04

Monday, July 20, 2009

well, i have to admit.
they're good.
appearing to be a bunch of slackers but deep down,
they might just be the most hardworking of us all.
that was a great job well done. (:

stayed back in the library till 8+, near 9pm to do pom.
and surprisingly, she stayed with us!
thanks aloy! hahaha.
(ohh!! aloy got girlfriend de! xD)
stayed till so late but still cannot finish. lol.
we're super inefficient please.
from business students to design students,
designing tshirts and cutting out the prototypes.
thank goodness we're not in design school cause our drawing really... hahahah.
especially the design for the guy's bermudas.
all sorts of sick things come out.
and i happened to understand all of them. LOL.

[to mrs s.a. tan: you think i really care?
lock the door? i have the KEYS you know.
throw me out of the house?
hey, you included MY name when you applied for this house okay.
disown me? i'm more than happy lor.
you keep mentioning that you don't like the sight of me.
that your life would be better without me.
have you ever thought of the other way round?
my life would be practically paradise if you could just disappear.
i have to stand you and your rubbish talk for only like what? 4 years?
and i already tak boleh tahan.
no wonder alan dumped you and got himself a new girlfriend.
everything blame on me.
say i what, lazy and stupid, no common sense and no responsibility.
what kind of mother doesn't do the housework and leave everything to the daughter?
train me? yeah right. excuses.
oh right, i forgot.
since when have you ever did your part as a mother.
you said i was pampered and push the blame to her?
please. you didn't even bring me up yourself.
threaten to hit me some more?
for your info, i have evidences of you abusing me.
i could have just reported to the police like months ago.
keep blabbering on and on.
i keep quiet means i don't want to argue with you le kay.
and it doesn't mean you can just carry on sprouting your nonsense.
who knows, someday i might be like jt and hide knives under my pillow,
and stab you in the middle of the night.

just keep your mouth SHUT.]

it is FINISHED @ 23:58

Sunday, July 19, 2009

i'm so totally in love with this skin. xD

it is FINISHED @ 22:12

Friday, July 17, 2009


then there's jialin's problem.
*double cries*

and it seems that my first impression of that school applies to all.
they're all _______.

it is FINISHED @ 19:08

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

huixuan saluted to a book today.
cause i told her to. (:

doing proposals make me think of old times in secondary school.
i was in council yet there wasn't much opportunity for me to actually write a proposal
cause most of the time it was the ex-co or weijun doing for sprint events.
and the only time i did one was for investiture. for the decoration of the hall.
it wasn't even counted as a proposal cause all i did was just draw out the hall,
and add the deco and label them on ONE piece of paper. ^^
so while i was lamenting away then,
now comes my reward.
tons of proposals with deadlines side by side,
leaving no space in between for a gulp of fresh air.
so why am i still contented with my life? (:

it is FINISHED @ 19:42

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Birthdays are good. Statistics have shown that people who celebrated the most number of birthdays live the longest."
and huixuan needed to read thrice before she understood this. LOL.

IntHT presentation was finally over yesterday.
with a couple of things that happened during the presentation that were particularly qi ren.
those comments were really tai guo fen lor.
the least they can do is to keep their not-so-nice comments to themselves and just ask the necessary questions required.
and the same thing happened today.
that comment was really unnecessary.
so what if i had, or have not heard it before?
the thing is that we just got over the guessing part quickly
so that we can end class early.
just don't get their way of thinking.

it is FINISHED @ 20:37

Saturday, July 11, 2009

there's like alot of things to catch up on.
but i'm too lazy to blog about everything. lol.

monday 6 july
went sentosa for rht survey.
laughed from school all the way to sentosa itself.
yes, including while waiting at the bus stop and on the train.
thanks to joanna and huixuan.
and on the train to harbourfront,
our topic from funny changed to scary.
out came the ghost stories and horror movies,
schools' mystery cases and night walks.

it was hard to get people to do survey naturally.
they see you they'll just run away.
and some people just can't read the instructions and do the survey properly.
when it said rank, they put ticks.
and the group of thai tourists,
when i let them do the survey,
they left the gender part blank.
hur. guess there's too many transexuals that they don't even know what's their gender anymore.

tuesday 7 july / wednesday 8 july
was finding books on french cuisine for fnb project.
and also to compile the selected dishes with wines into a menu.
the desserts just look simply mouth-watering.

thursday 9 july
met up early to do spss for rht survey.
those incompleted or did not follow instructions one,
we just anyhow fill in for them. lol.
oh. one of them wrote that sentosa's attractions are all rubbish.

friday 10 july
went for cya interview.
turns out only me and joanna wear smart-casual.
the rest just wear normally.
there was like 6 to 7 interviewees and 2 interviewers, one of which is just the secretary.
hope i can get through though.
second interview by the caas people. tough.

after school went t1's bbq chicken for dinner with jha.
the food's quite nice. very full afterwards.
then me and anna took 969 to admiralty
and chiong to lighthouse.
we were just in time,
but there was like no more seats in the sanctuary left.
and there's still quite a lot of people waiting to be seated.
so we were ushered to basement 1's multipurpose studio.
the ambience's not as WOW as on top. :(
but the songs are SUPER NICE.
i miss pastor pacer's voice. hahah.
no money to buy the cds though.
only had 10 bucks with me and they cost 15 for preorder.
so i bought the cup instead. ^^

okay. so i'm supposed to write out my cue card for the prep-presentation for iht tomorrow.
i remembered quite clearly that i have them,
but somehow i just can't find them right now.
so, i'm slacking.
and it's 12.35am.
and we are meeting at 9am tomorrow.
which means i have to get up at 7.
i'm not doing my work, and i'm not sleeping early.
hur. why am i not surprised.

it is FINISHED @ 00:12

Sunday, July 5, 2009

today. xDDDDDD

it is FINISHED @ 18:11

Thursday, July 2, 2009

i miss having you in my life.
why can't we go back to the way things were?
am i such a big burden for you?

it is FINISHED @ 22:42