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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

results for mid-sem test:
macroecons - 91/100 (A)
pom - 31/40 (B)
rht - 39/50 (B)
and the other tests taken before mid-sem:
commskill - 42/50 (A)
intht - 23.5/30 (B)
fnb - mr chia die die also don't want give back.
but anyway, confirmed fail le.
[zzz. still aim for stb... i laugh.]

it is FINISHED @ 19:54

Monday, June 29, 2009

that's such a relieve lah.
now get ready for other projects. lol.

saw choon teng on 109 today.
and then ben chong at compass point.
he was waiting for his queue number with his dad.
at the m1 shop so should be buying new phone bah.
i also want... (even though my phone is quite new. lol.)

supposed to go malaysia yesterday de.
but in the end never go.
that's because...
my uncle and my ahma was going to visit my dad in malaysia.
the thing is, he's living with his girlfriend.
and the girlfriend already has two daughters which one of them is already married.
so, fearing that i wouldn't be open minded and accept this scenario,
they forbid me to go. -.-
also because they were worried about whether the girlfriend would like me or not.
no link, no sense, but nevermind.
we've already decided to go next week,
when my dad called me to tell me not to go (not knowing that i already knew),
and said he'll come to singapore to visit me instead.
seriously, what's the big deal?
i rather mrs s.a. tan gets herself a boyfriend.
and get off my back.
hmmm. abit hard arh.
considering her tiao2 jian4. LOL.
no wonder she's still single.
still use buddhism as excuse.
tsk tsk. ^^

it is FINISHED @ 20:15

Sunday, June 28, 2009

feels great to save a soul.
at least i did do something to glorify Him.
not just no action talk only. :D

went to buy formal wear just now.
the waist size was okay,
but my butt too big so needed to get a bigger one,
which they don't have stock and have to wait for tampines 1 staff to send to the sengkang outlet.
time to go on a diet, again. lol.

mrs s.a. tan just lent my book to her friend.
without my permission.
and it's not just any book.
qi de wo ban si please.
-i must control my language-

it is FINISHED @ 20:41

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2/3 party tomorrow! :D

saw gordon twice today.
once when going to school and the second time when i came back from school. lol.
he went for ns medical checkup.
gosh... how time flies.
he was still sec2 when i first joined anderson sec.
and now he's going ns. soon.
the saf already sent my brother a letter too. hur.

got back test papers today.
rht(B) and commskill(A).
macroecons next week.
and there's still pom.

first week of school is always stressful.
back in secondary school it would be all the homework due dates.
now it's all the project due dates.
not as much projects as homework, but definitely heavier in content.
it's not like your 2 hours maths practice paper,
but days of research and compiling them into the proposal with hours of thinking/analysing time in between.
i'm getting tired. lol.

it is FINISHED @ 22:11

Thursday, June 18, 2009

bloody bitch.
going about her stupid craze again.
this time even more powerful.
use the stick to hang clothes thingy to hit.
and it's amazing how she knew i posted the bruised pics online.
completely amazed lehh.
the thing is she doesn't even know how to use the comp.

went to watch the land of the lost today with my brother.
we reach at 2 and the movie starts at 4.
toured the whole level 4 for 2 hours. lol.
meanwhile, i saw this book mark and just had the urge to buy it.
this is what it says:

[I carry a Cross in my pocket, a simple reminder to me of the fact that I am a christian no matter where I may be. This little Cross is not magic, nor is it a good luck charm. It isn't meant to protect me from every physical harm. It's not for identification for all the world to see. It's simply an understanding between my Savior and me. When I put my hand in my pocket to bring out a coin or key, the Cross is there to remind me of the price He paid for me. It reminds me, too, to be thankful for my blessings day by day and strive to serve Him better in all that I do and say. It's also a daily reminder of the peace and comfort i share with all who know my Master and give themselves to His care. So I carry a Cross in my pocket reminding no one but me that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life if only I'll let Him be.]


it is FINISHED @ 20:02

Thursday, June 11, 2009

working at IT fair from today till sunday.
can visit me at ocbc booth level 6. (:
( = no time for homework and projects D:)
saw alot of people lah please.
mr ernest yu, mr steve ng,
and alot of tp and aj students ( not that i know them).
lol. there were these two guys from next booth see joanna pretty then come out booth ask for her number. good luck facing them again tomorrw girl. :D
while i was giving out flyers,
there was this guy at the opposite booth giving out this dragonica game cds.
and i went to take one. lol.

oh, justin just told me he's working there as well. at epson.
can visit him tomorrow. hahah.

chionging project now cos suppose to pass up to leader tomorrow.
which i'm not free, as stated above.
will seriously get screw by her if i don't do. =X

it is FINISHED @ 23:57

Saturday, June 6, 2009

np outing was fun. :D

watch this:

it is FINISHED @ 23:13

Friday, June 5, 2009

the tests seem okay.
and my answers seem to make sense.
which probably means it's disastrous again. =/
time to recharge and get ready for the more hectic semester 1 part 2.

it is FINISHED @ 14:05

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

i thought i did okay.
last question 4 marks gone.
last 3 minutes then realise but by then don't have time to redo.
let's just hope the teacher gives sympathetic marks.
but thenn...
joanna reminded me of another question.
it was on imports.
and i knew that in my mind.
yet i go write something on exports.
it was part (a) of a 10 marks question. D:
heck. RHT on friday.

talked with huixuan throughout the whole bus journey.
on sjab and npcc. lol.
especially when we were tortured be it during pt or drills,
and we actually kinda like it. =X
it's call masochism. (thanks to mrs ashari :)
we miss cadet life lots. ):
saw ci dean from hougang sec.
even though i couldn't remember her name then,
i just thought that she was reaaaally familiar.
turns out she knows yushan.
haaaaah. this is such a small world.
or should i say small singapore.

can't wait for npcc outing,
then rinku chalet,
then field trip with yushan,
before the countless meetings for projects.
such a condolence.

it is FINISHED @ 19:53