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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

tags replied!

FIONA: don't worry! i'm gonna buy the academy 1 to 3!
plus when rules turn loose and all his other shows! xD

Jingjing: hellos! you also must jiayou for o levels yeah! 4/4 is <3!!

JiaLin: really? i just remember that it's a girls' school.
and i don't see the point in deleting it.
didn't really mention what's the real cause anyway.
we were only discussing about it.
only andersonians know.
and it's not the full detail also.

it is FINISHED @ 17:47

Thursday, October 9, 2008

today was the last day of school! ):
we'll never be sitting in the classrooms attending lessons as "andersonians" anymore.
and the next time we return to anderson would be up the stairs to the hall,
taking O LEVEL.
but we sure did make today memorable. (:

before recess was as usual.
it was until the end of recess that we started to went crazy.
the guys, led by yuerong, formed a chain, hand on the shoulders of the person in front.
then they went like this around the school! hahah.
the next lesson was chem,
so the whole class formed the chain and went to the lab like that!
and we purposely went around the spiral staircase once before going into the lab. lol.

well, did practice papers as usual during chem.
ms goh made yuerong the "teacher" by letting him sit at the teacher's table.
hahah. then she told us that she is also "graduating" with us,
and going to st nicholas. -.-
after lesson we formed the chain again! hahaha.
this time round, we went up to the fourth floor and past 5/2.
mr wong was inside, and his next class would be us!
then we went past 5/1, 4/1 (they were all pointing at us and laughing),
saw mdm neo, past 4/2 before going down and back to our class again. hahah.
went past mr yong too and he came to say good luck for o level.
took photo outside the bio lab and mr wong is still not in class!

didn't do much during maths lesson but hahaha, was super funny.
we had the "talk", just about 5 minutes?
also cause we were using our baby photos for the yearbook thingy,
so we showed them on the visualiser and let mr wong guess who is who.
and we were all super cute!!
some people didn't change at all, like junlin, meishan, vicky (he was wearng some police uniform. destined to be in npcc de lah. lol!)
some others were totally irrecognisable like jialin, zhibin.
hahaha. maybe they were too young then.
lee sheng jie was super cute also! his hair was like kind of spiked.
he said cause he just woken up or something. hahaha.
kenneth asked what about mr wong's baby photo. lol.
and vicky said: dey. when he young still no camera lah. (LOL)
ohoh! we requested to take picture with mr wong too,
but he said on one condition.
we all had to write on piece of paper: MATHS A1, AMATHS A1
and mr wong's paper was written: MATHS 45 A1, AMATHS 44 A1
so we took photo with everyone showing that. hahaha.
so cool can! i'll keep my promise de! :D

school ended! ):
but we were all busy signing each other's pe shirt! hahaha.
i managed to collect all 44 signature plus mr wong's too! ^^
we supposedly had ss test at 2pm. -.-
but somehow mr ang made an announcement,
saying that all after school lessons/tests/anything cancelled.
and we all have to leave school immediately or by 1.45pm.
the whole class cheered like nobody's business! hahaha.
and then mr lim came in. lol.
he passed us the test paper we were supposed to do and ask us to do as homework instead.
not compulsory but would be beneficial if we do.
thank goodness cause i didn't study into detail,
and after seeing the essay questions i know i wouldn't even attempt it.
the themes i studied were all not there. hahaha.

4/4 lunch! :D
went to kfc at first and there were like no space for 38 of us? hahah.
went to pizza hut, which is just beside kfc.
it was super quiet before we went in and in chaos after that. ^^
the place was suddenly buzzing like wet market all because of us. lol.
there was this pregnant waitress and can see that she was very irritated by us.
we settled down and started eating.
only then did we remember that something happened to the school.
(you know, the we-had-to-leave-school-and-no-test thingy,
mr ang mentioned that it was becuase something happened.)
so we were all wondering what could it be.
serious enough to make mr lim cancelled the test, and for all students to leave the school.
but not that major in the sense that we did not have to leave like immediately,
and allowed us to dilly dally awhile before leaving.
out came suggestions like people commit suicide, some diseases,
and misato even said a student had an affair with a teacher. -.-
all of which we ruled out after some common sense.
it's kind of annoying when you don't know what is so serious.
well, we smsed ms goh (who will normally tell students stuffs),
but she said that we don't have to worry, just jiayou for o level.
the curiosity got worse of course, even ms goh wouldn't tell.
and krystalle suggested, maybe they are planning some surprises for our grad ball,
thus cannot spoil the surprise you know.
it made sense at first, but really,
do they need all teachers to discuss?
and mr lim would cancel his evil plan just for this?
impossible isn't it?
which brings us back to the starting point again!

heh. saw nickman on bus 159 today!
we haven't seen each other since mrs chai open house in 2005.
he still recognises me though! ^^

it is FINISHED @ 17:09

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

oh no.
i can't go taiwan anymore. ):
but at least krystalle is bringing back pictures and souvenirs. :D

it is FINISHED @ 17:08

Monday, October 6, 2008

today is a super happy day! :D
got back our maths (both a and e) specimen paper.
now that's some COLOSSAL achievement. lol.
yeah. but glad that my maths actually improve alot.
maybe the paper was just too easy,
but hey. i won the scholars too! xD
prelim emaths paper was like 42/80 and now i'm getting 91/100.
amaths was some F9 score but i got 72/80 for the specimen paper. :D
*clap clap clap!*
if only i could keep this standard for o level as well.
i must believe that it will come true!

today maths exam for psle.
and my brother's "prelim" grade for maths was like an E? lol.
too late to do anything now though.
just hope that the rest of the students suddenly blank out and get as lousy marks. xD!

it is FINISHED @ 18:36

Sunday, October 5, 2008

my dream came true!! :D

it is FINISHED @ 19:21