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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

21 August
- English Language 1127/1
- English Language 1127/2

22 August
- Chemistry (SPA)(Revised) 5072/2

25 August
- Combined Humanities 2192/1
- Physics (SPA)(Revised) 5058/2

26 August

- Higher Mother Tongue 1111/1
- Geography (Revised) 2235/1

27 August
- Additional Mathematics (Revised) 4038/1
- Higher Mother Tongue 1111/2

28 August
- Geography (Revised) 2235/2
- Chinese Literature 2095/2
- Biology (SPA)(Revised) 5094/2

8 September
- Mathematics (Revised) 4016/2
- Chemistry (SPA)(Revised) 5072/1

9 September
- Combined Humanities (Revised) 2192/3
- Combined Humanities (Revised) 2192/4
- Physics (SPA)(Revised) 5058/1

10 September
- Additional Mathematics (Revised) 4038/2
- Mathematics (Revised) 4016/1

11 September
- Biology (SPA)(Revised) 5094/1
(sec 4/3 and 4/4 - geography lesson as per normal)
- Normal lessons resume for sec 4/1 - 4/5
- Science Practical for 4/6

it is FINISHED @ 20:24

Monday, August 18, 2008

omg. lol.
oral was screwed.
too nervous so starting stammered abit.
i didn't think my pronunciation was clear enough though.
practice was definitely better than the actual one.
the rest was quite alright.
*pray very very hard* that i will get a distinction.
the conversation topic was like super easy.
1. which subject do you like most?
2. do you think school prepares you for life after you graduate?
and i'm like the last person to speak,
so the examiners were like super sian already,
yet i give this kind of lousy oral. ):

mrs lim's inspiring quote today was totally lousy.
it so doesn't apply to oral at all.
something like must get excited, then think of nothing.
oral you get excited, speak too quickly, die.
cannot think of anything to say, die even faster.

there's still jialin and qiaoyin taking the oral tomorrow.
jiayou! :D

[63 days to o level.
3 days to prelim.]

it is FINISHED @ 18:23

Friday, August 15, 2008

that woman has gone on a trip to else where.
and i can have the whole house to myself!
peace and quiet for at least a few days. (:

history test was funny. lol.
we were supposed to be tested on theme 2.
but mr yong knew we didn't study for sure,
so he just hint hint abit which two topics out of the four will come out.
ended up he just tell us that the League of Nations will.
to save time and our efforts from studying too many stuffs. hahah.
i was writing very slowly. and left only ten minutes for my third factor and conclusion.
so after the test he was very worried and came to ask me how much did i manage to write.
i did finish kay! one and a half page only. but that was not bad le lah.
considering the fact that it was a last minute study. lol.

injured myself today too. hahah.
was on the way to avt and got hit by junyao.
he was trying to pounce on javier but couldn't stop in time.
so both of us were lying on the floor,
i sprained my ankle and hit my knee,
junyao was also walking with a limp. hahah.
*meishan heart ache* xD

o level english oral is on monday!!
should be okay bah.
since i got distinction for my chines oral. :D
maybe print wrongly bah? hahah.
cannot eat garlic or anything smelly on that day. lol.
and o level is 66 days away!
prelim is like 6... lol.
well anyway. good luck to all having exams soon. (:

totally forgot about this. lol.
cantabile was great today!
although the pa crew was having some problems but overall was alright. (:
meishan, misato and ik were superb!
hazwani's group sang very well too!
well done guys! (i mean, girls! :)
kenn and gladys actually held hands! lol.
and fionna had a it's-nothing-really kind of reaction.

np training was no fun at all. lol.
just had campcraft test for sec 1s and pt after that.
the ncos got scolded though.
for pumping the cadets. zzz.
(but seriously, i thought they allowed if it was for pt?)
and we all have to sell that packet of kitkats for charity.
other ugs actually had done it a super long time ago.
oh, how efficient you are, ms sharm. (:

it is FINISHED @ 19:17

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

it's a sad sad day...
i didn't expect her to get over it so quickly.
she treated as if nothing happened and even asked me whether i had my dinner.
such hypocrisity.
i rather she don't talk to me and all will be well.

anyways. fiona just told me that there's a new show.
and our eyecandy is in it! xD
it's on channel u, 10pm, something to do with police.
and so she was mentioning how it's so meant to be watched by us.
lol. the late night sleeps will be back, i guess.
it's definitely worthwhile to spend time watching him instead of studying. :D

4/4 is LOVE! (:

it is FINISHED @ 20:10

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

(hahah. see. i did keep my promise kay!)
woohoo! a hell lot of people did quite well too.
good job everyone! (:

heh. had a fight with the bitch this morning, again.
she can never be tired of it leh.
early in the morning at 5am she also can find something to argue about.
stuffs like, "you dont belong to this house",
or "i don't have a daughter like you",
"you better get out of this house right now or move out soon",
"everytime i see your face, i wanna puke."
so super sick of hearing these.
at least she did change some sentences.
she used to say "i'll jump off this building if you continue ignoring me".
anyways. what could i do?
if i reply, it would be: "yeah. you better jump off right now. that's a good idea."
or when she said she wanna puke, i could have replied:
"so now you finally understands how i feel when i see your fucking face?"
well. so in order to keep the peace, i had to stay quiet.
too bad she didn't appreciate it.
the cold war ended with her constant small insignificant bombs,
and i just set off a fat man right in her face. (:
she wants me to move? i'll do it! SUPER glad to actually.
this house is nothing but a roof over my head for shelter.
plus a horrible, mean witch that comes along.

ahh well. will take some time before i move all my stuffs.
thank god i hadn't change the address on my ic yet.
if not i'll have to change again. lol.

it is FINISHED @ 15:06

Friday, August 8, 2008

today's parade was a great success! :D
it was kind of worrying since our drills were not perfected.
it was already like 5.30pm yesterday and we were still facing danger.
yeah. but today alot of people say very nice! :DDD
can say that even the wind was touched by our effort cause today no wind!
lol. and no flags covering faces, no dropping of beret or rifles.
so well done everyone! (:
it's also my last day wearing the uniform!
and this time, it's really the last time le.
hahah. after pop, the ncos were like,
this is the last time we'll be seeing np!
end up still got shooting comp, parade etc.
buuuuuuuut! prelims and o levels coming!
so we won't be disturbed anymore. hahah. (:

this year national day concert was kind of different from previous years,
but in a good way. (:
even though there were quite some lousy singers on stage,
the terrorists made the starting fun lahh. lol.
and ps jialin. he was so not super shuai pleaseeeeee.
and his singing wasn't the best on earth either. -.-

The craziest thing I have done for love is:
asked my bf's ex to go out with him because i can see that he still loves her alot.
Catch Wall-E in cinemas from 28 August 2008

(ORIGINATOR BLOG:http://dancingbells.blogspot.com/)

it is FINISHED @ 18:22

Monday, August 4, 2008

sung by my pastor! ^^

it is FINISHED @ 20:26