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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

lol. today andrew lim's birthday.
happy birthday mr lim! hahah.
we bought him a cake. (:
then 4/1 made him a card.

yeah. and i forgot what happened for the rest of the day. lol.
gonna mug hard for exams now. ):

it is FINISHED @ 20:54

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

hahah. i'm like finally starting my revision.
everyday stay back in school till 8pm. (:

need to do the revision timetable for andrew lim again.
and he expects us to get a 12 or 13 for prelims.
and my current one is like, 27?? lol.
do timetable also no use. won't be following it.
hahahah. :D

ohoh! today we played with fire. lol.
yuerong was trying to burn his hair black. xD
then two water bottles were stationed ready to put out the fire.
alot of people taking video also. hahah.
end up even before he lit the lighter they started pouring water on his face.

i just realised today that kenneth is SUPER bhb.
he really thinks that he is godlike,
then show off his physics and chemistry knowledge.
want to ask him question must call him shuai ge somemore.
then ask finish he still say call him that again.
like, WTHHHHH.
he's worse than my brother. -.-

physics spa is like this friday... hahah.
so can't get to wear class tee again.
good luck everyone kay? ^^

it is FINISHED @ 21:12

Friday, July 25, 2008

hahah. the sec2s and 3s just went for their atc today!
bet they must be cooking ther maggie mee now. lol.
and while they tahan the ants, scorpions and mosquitoes,
i get to stay at home, watch tv, lie on my comfortable bed and sleep!
hahah. meanie me. xD

but they really siao people lah.
bring notes and textbooks to ubin and study.
their ca2 is on monday which is right after the camp
and they won't have time to study.
if it's my batch, no one would bother. lol.
me and krystalle were like saying,
our batch will pull anderson to band 2 this o level,
then the next batch, the sec3s now, will bring it back up to band 1.
which i think will come true. hahah.

today had another one of those "o level is coming, you should be stressed" talk.
apparently our ca2 results weren't that good.
but it's right after june holiday,
and do you think anyone will study during that period?
seriously, one too many of these talks and we'll all be immuned to it.
then the expected "oh my god! i should be studying now!" kind of effect will be gone.
but seeing our results, it's no wonder the teaching staff are worried.
a m.s.g of 5.0 for emaths is no laughing matter (lol).
the scholars had it worse.
they even have to go for conference meeting with the principals and HOD.
heard that some of them wanted to drop combined humanities.

well, today also had o level chemistry spa, skill 3.
topic is: shhhh! (:
can't say it's very difficult but it's not easy either.
one thing for sure is, i've only written half of my plan,
and kenneth, sitting beside me, already had his head on the table sleeping.
after i finished still had like 20 minutes left. lol.
so i drew on my eraser some funny guy,
a mixture of eurasian, japanese and malay all into one.
(i support racial harmony kay... lol.)

o level round the corner:
1 aug - physics spa skill 3
18 aug - english oral

it is FINISHED @ 18:59

Thursday, July 24, 2008

i just got a new comp leh!!
hahah. it's a hp laptop. :D
like so super damn cool. lol.
but quite heavy lah...
still... :DDD

there's like totally nothing in here, so i'm saving from scratch.
all my photos gone. :(
especially those taken with him*.

it's okay.
i BELIEVE that we will get to take one again, someday. (:

ca2 was horrible.
so i shall not talk about that. hahah.

it is FINISHED @ 19:18

Thursday, July 10, 2008

lol. i'm joining the GOH for NDP again this year.
will be missing tomorrow's training though.
got the polytechnic experience thingy to ngee ann poly.
should be quite fun bah. hahah.
and there's chemistry spa trial - skill 3 tomorrow also.
seems like everything's happening tomorrow.

hahah. today during lunch sat with kheng feng, sylvia and koon ming.
plus the usual two, krystalle and jialin of course.
didn't know kheng feng was such a joker.
sat there for more than an hour listening to his jokes and riddles. lol.
there were sick jokes too! xD
things like wet cat* and rooster*... lol (if you get it then good for you).

mdm neo said pigs were actually smarter than sheep.
considering the fact that i'm a capricorn and born in the year of the goat,
it's kind of insulting. lol.
she said when one sheep look in one direction, the rest will follow blindly.
so when in danger they are dead. lol.

thanks jialin so much for making hot milo for me today! :D
she so nice right. hahah. so surprised lor.
like for no reason then give me milo to drink.
i shall make you sandwiches in return! hahah.
谢谢你! (:

it is FINISHED @ 20:30

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

i finally know what i'm allergic to!
it's our dear precious mother tongue language, chinese!
it wasn't until today that i realised,
everytime i'm doing my chinese work my nose will itch.
it's super super itchy that type lor.
zzz, and there's chinese homework today.
see whether it will itch again later while doing.

hais. the show finished le. will miss seeing eyecandy. ):
the new show looks quite interesting. but still... )):

it is FINISHED @ 19:23

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

hahah! today's the 8th student council investiture!
isn't it exciting or what???
first time watching the invest from the audience's point of view. lol.
it was actually super nice!
i was damn hyper lah. then brenda and jialin giving me that look. hahah.
will really miss being council...
the ex-co get to join them in entertaining the guests and eat buffet.
so unfair. lol.
but it was really a job well done today. (:
decoration and the backdrop were especially nice! :D
keep up the good work and make council proud kay!

it is FINISHED @ 18:42

Sunday, July 6, 2008

council investiture coming soon!
that means more time for studies. :(
come on! it's only a few more months!
must perservere! (yeah right...)
i shall be like qiaoyin they all.
motivation for the day: xueqin and yiyan from "when rules turn loose" !

hmm, should i or should i not attend montfort pop?
it's not as if i'm very close to them or what.
plus it's like totally none of my business, just go there extra...

okay. he just convinced me to go.
now the problem is to find someone else to go with me.
which is kind of difficult considering that andersonians not on good terms with them.

it is FINISHED @ 19:36

Friday, July 4, 2008

next monday is youth day!
finally a break before we start chionging studies again.
mdm neo and mr yong celebrated with us today leh!
thank you mdm neo mummy and eng kiat korkor! xD
plus we all brought our own fruit.
so it was like totally cannot finish at all.
each person had to eat at least 3 slices. hahah.
then the guys were playing 终极密码.
whoever loses will have to help finish some of the food.
which is a good idea in some sense. hahah.

after that we helped out with council investiture.
next tuesday is the invest le and they haven't finish alot of things leh.
so we helped out painting the souvenirs, backdrop, and some other decorations.
but i slacked off after awhile to go for np training. lol.
willy (sec2) gets to join the flag party leh! my next successor. :D
he's not too bad, considering he just learned the drill.
but ms sharm expects him to do as well as the others. zzz.
me and amir at the bubble tea shop was talking about her.
say when we leaving school go scold her. say she sucks and all that. LOL!
but i said cannot. cos after o level still must come back take result. hahah.
imagine after we collected our results, then go staff room call ms sharm and tell her.
then change phone number and address so she cannot contact us. lol...

today hor, someone's eyecandy came back leh! hahah!!
but she was studying so didn't get to see him.
was complaining to me just now lor.... lol.
say i didn't tell her earlier. xP
pray hard that next time both our eyecandies will come back again. xD
oh well, monday have to go back to school to help out for invest again.
must think: 助人为乐之本! (:

it is FINISHED @ 20:17

Thursday, July 3, 2008

yay! CA2's over. (:
basically screwed up everything...
especially social studies.
studied everything except sustainable development, and it came out.
then history was another gone-case one.
thought war in europe would come out for a change.
end up it's cold war and berlin blockade again.
oh well. thank goodness it's over. (:

class picnic tomorrow during lesson! woohoo!
everyone will have to bring a fruit then we share and eat. :D
then we have to know which country the fruit comes from.
the fruit that come from the furthest country from singapore will win a prize! hahah.
but i just bought mine from the econs shop near my house,
and the auntie say she don't know where the fruit comes from. lol.
might as well freeze it and say it comes from north pole! sure win de. hahah.
for once, we get to eat in class without fearing of getting caught!

must watch (执法代言人)!
it's super nice! (but ending soon. ):

it is FINISHED @ 19:49