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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Monday, March 31, 2008

i just realised. brenda is sooo evil!!
she made me stayed back and do my worksheet 3c before going home.
but because of that, i'm one of the top 11 to pass up homework on time! :D

feels weird not going for cca today. hahah.
but monday not supposed to have any.
just that i'm used to training for campcraft competition.
saw wanie in the class and i said to her:
wanie! why you still here? they were all at the field like since 2.30 leh!
wanie: huh?!?!
me: happy early april fool! :D

and i just realised that singapore was hailing some days ago.
slow ain't i? hahah. brenda just told me.
about the thunderstorm we witnessed the other day,
it was actually hailing.
and she sent me the picture of the fallen tree! (:

listed out all my homework today.
and it shocked brenda. hahah.
but she even more pro can.
her science practical since january 2007 until now. LOL.

and we still haven't got jialin a present yet.
her birthday is like tomorrow?
can't possible go up to her and say:
happy birthday! your present super big you know! come and see!
hahah! april fool! we didn't get anything for you! :P

my love rival: mouri ran :D

it is FINISHED @ 18:22

Sunday, March 30, 2008

for goodness sake, i've just allowed my uncle to convert me to a christian!!
and he was like: okay set. so saturday night i'll come and fetch you,
sunday we all go together. (:
believe God that he will make you a better person. then you won't be so emo.
me: o.O

lol. anyway. went to the new shopping centre at clarke quay, maybe not quite new bah.
it's called central. although it's called a shopping centre,
there's nothing to shop except restaurants and food court. -.-
was super lucky can. mediacorp was filming there.
with chen zhi cai, jeff, ben and lai yi ling.
something to do with the bioskin show.
and they asked us to give the roses to the prettiest lady.
must tune in to channel 8 next wednesday at 8pm!
got my family lehh. hahah! ^^
i ran away first, so wouldn't be able to see me. hahah.
but because i ran away, i went snooping around, and saw...
陶喆! :DD
he was having a qian chang hui there also.
and the queue was super long. all holding his posters.
managed to took a picture of him! haha.
super difficult can! so many people's butts blocking my view.
lol. and i was standing quite far away also lah.
so it was a super cool day! hahah.

my new love: shinichi kudo :D

it is FINISHED @ 20:27

Friday, March 28, 2008

woohoo! today was our last training with the cadets.
the training on wednesday will be pop preparation,
and friday the actual pop itself. (:
imagine what life without np would be like.
but, there's still extra lessons keeping us back in school. ):
and too bad/congrats to amir!
he'll be the overall ic for npcc since he will be a sec 5 next year.
partly due to not enough manpower from current sec 3s.
which means, there is a very high possibility that he's the si! woots!

and now, the posting results!
training chair - hilmie
v.training chair - olivia
p & e head - zul
v. p & e head - nisa
unit marshall - ashwini
field instructors - prashan, ivan, shafeeq, nadzirah
pti & cheer ic - sharvin, arvindren, junjing
quarter master & campcraft ic - eugene, nazri
hope you're all happy with the results.
don't be like us. ):

my resolution! (which doesn't seem to be working so far)
1. be guai and do all homework!
2. stick to my resolution! lol.
shall list out my list of overdue + current homework to scare you all.
hahaha. and you'll see that i even have sec 3 march holiday assignment not done! xD
but not gonna list that out lah. hahaha.
just those that teachers are chasing me for. ^^

it is FINISHED @ 19:30

Thursday, March 27, 2008

i totally forgot what i wanted to say.
but about the fighting incident,
weilun got expelled.
vicky, guangfu, junlin's suspension was a lie. -.-

and there was a thunderstorm today.
super scary.
there was one super mega big lightning right infront of our eyes
when me and brenda were at the staff room.
which we think is the exact same one that split the tree opposite our school.
brenda took the picture, which she was supposed to send me but didn't. T_T
mr ow and mr yu's cars got hit by the fences at the parade square. lol.
the funny thing is, the fences only dropped at where the cars are parked at.
the fences at the empty lots didn't drop. hahah.

for the first time, i passed my differentiation test. 20/40.
wilson fractured his arm.
and his birthday is today. so sad right.
oh. happy birthday wilson! :D

it is FINISHED @ 20:20

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

rahhh. today damn pissed.
first thing. PE!!!!
ms ho had to host the winitsuksa people,
so she asked us to get organised and play ourselves.
while organising, mdm lim comes along.
mdm lim: 4/4 ar. what you all doing?
this is pe lesson you know. you all like not doing anything.
i think you better come join my 4/1 and go run.
we explained to her that ms ho allowed us to play,
and that we were trying to form a team for captains ball.
mdm lim: no lah. i see alot of you all sitting around doing nothing.
and you all shouldn't be playing. must train for ur napfa test.
faster lah. so irresponsible.
and the story she told mrs ashari was:
she just left them alone and they got nothing to do,
so i asked them to join my class.
after pe, she scolded ms ho. (like wtf?)
and she said: no lah, i never scold them.
i only see them not doing anything so i asked them to run.
even worse. i was playing with fiona.
act act trying to punch her. and said passed it on to mdm lim. hahah.
samuel saw, took out his phone, video me, and said:
okay lor. show lah. what u want to pass on to her?
i can video it down and pass it to her for you.
i seriously want to punch him already lah!

then there was a fight in class, again.
between vicky and weilun, again.
but vicky seriously didn't do anything.
all i heard was:
oie banglah! why you look at me? buay song is it?
and, the fight started...
throw chairs, vulgarities, the usual stuffs.
but then those 4/8 people went to complain to mr ang.
ended up vicky, guangfu and junlin got suspended from school for 3 days.
the thing is, all guangfu did was to stop the fight, and junlin was just an onlooker.
don't know what the hell is wrong with the school man.

well. at least training cheered me up. hahah.
took the sec 2s for drill test.
it wasn't because their performance was good.
if anything, their drills were horrible, terrible and vegetable. xD
almost the whole squad failed their drill test.
and we were quite lenient already. (:
but because it was so horrible, it was damn funny. lol.
so it kind of neutralise my feelings earlier.
hais. also because of this, i forgot all about 4/4 dinner.
got home at 7.20 and realised i'm supposed to be at amk mrt at 7. ):
so sad... will miss out on alot of fun lor.

one last thing.

it is FINISHED @ 20:53

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

tired of everything...
anyway. today had cip,
went krystalle's neighbourhood to collect newspapers.
overall quite fun.
kenneth: eh. you got newspapers for us? *with the dao face*
lady: no. *slam!*
another case where this bull dog was barking at dennis.
on the wall was posted this notice:
if you can read this, it means my dog thinks you're too near.
interesting people. ^^
on our way back saw melvin's sister, and krystalle went red. lol.
will post the pictures next time.

wonder if i should go to jc or poly?
i'm not really the study type.
but if i were to choose a course, it would be designing.
BUT. they say to study design go tp better.
the problem is, he's there... )':

it is FINISHED @ 19:32

Monday, March 24, 2008

i left my pencil case in school! hahah.
so i can't really do much now except blogging. xD

lol. went shopping just now.
for meishan's present lahh.
covered amk central, hub and j8 in less than an hour.
hahah. there was nothing to buy for her really.
wanted to buy her a new pencil case, but saw none that's nice.
brenda crapped out that there's somewhere selling an A3 size pencil case.
krystalle said she likes some melty kisses chocolate or something.
but we couldn't find it anywhere.
just like her daisy duck.
we only see pooh's characters all around.
so hard to find a present for her.
went back to compass to see if there's anything and saw choon!
hahah. he looks so blur.
forgot to ask which school he went to.
or rather, i've forgotten when he told me the other time. ;D

[all i have to do is to fake a smile,
and everything would seems alright...]

my mother just told me i slept walk yesterday. lol.
the thing is, i was completely conscious.
i can remember exactly what i did.
i woke up, opened the door, thinking it was time to go to school.
but then realised the alarm hasn't rang, so i went back to sleep.
with the door opened. lol.
then my mother say she woke up at 3am and see lights outside.
hahah. scold me say i never check properly before i go sleep.
the thing is, the door was closed, but i opened again. :p

it is FINISHED @ 17:54

Sunday, March 23, 2008

i said it out...
but i don't feel good at all...

it is FINISHED @ 19:20

Saturday, March 22, 2008

competition was a success today.
thanks to the great weather and soft ground,
we managed to finish in about 9 minutes plus,
which i think is the first team.
hopefully don't get into the finals,
if not we'll have to continue training even though we've stepped down.
mr sim treated us to mac breakfast.
a total of $62.40.

[why ain't i happy?
i'm gonna be free soon.
i've been going through the words i'm gonna tell you tomorrow.
and it hasn't failed to make me cry every single time.
i don't want to give up.
but what's the point of holding on when she's the one you care about.
i can't take it anymore.
it hurts, so much...
this feeling sucks.]

it is FINISHED @ 17:33

Friday, March 21, 2008

19 march - happy birthday dad!
20 march - happy birthday ahmah!
21 march - happy birthday issac..

it is FINISHED @ 20:32

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

sometimes, suicide seems really tempting...

it is FINISHED @ 20:40

Monday, March 17, 2008

gosh. totally didn't understand what's happening to me.
on the way to school,
i was waiting for bus service 159 and cried for no reason.
thank goodness gordon didn't see it.
[the reason is obvious.
it's because of you.
but... it's my fault.]

first half of school was fine.
lessons as usual and teachers reminding us to pass up holiday assignments.
but after recess, i had a terrible stomach ache,
for no reason again.
it wasn't those where you had to go and shit then it will be relieved type.
my stomach was so full with air that i had to keep burping.
worse thing is whenever i burp,
my stomach would suffer a huge lurch, super painful.
it's horrible. ):
meishan gave me 2 menstral pills.
said it could cure any type of stomach aches.
my hand was shaking, and i can't even get the damn pill into my mouth.
then i had to endure the pain throughout maths and physics lesson.
some more we had maths test.
and i didn't manage to finish the last question because of the pain.
i suck at differentiation. got 3 out of 10. hahah.
physics lesson i was sub-conscious most of the time.
mdm tey was going through the test paper but i couldn't get anything into my head.
the pain lasted till 4+ and subsided. finally i can go home lorrrrrr.
wasn't able to move at all before that.
now like totally no strength to do anything. (yet i could still blog. xD)
hope to get better by tomorrow. if not, better still.
cause i didn't do social studies essay. hahaha. :D

it is FINISHED @ 17:03

Friday, March 14, 2008

hahah. alot of things happened even though it's only 2 days!
"the camp was very well planned and well done.
thank you for all the efforts.
all credits to all who have make it a success.
jiayou! cheers."
-ms leow

first day of camp!
all my games went very smoothly! hahahah.
sec3s were great. almost the first to finish in everything. ((:
keep up the good work!
the spiral bomb game is so super crap lah.
end up i got wet as well, thanks to the two YYs!
then my socks and shoes stinks. totally.

campfire! super funny thanks to the emcees! hahah!
but someone very sad ohh. cause he never come. xD
great job to all the cadets for the effort put in to the performances.
enjoyed myself very much! hahah.
and wendy is as cute as ever. lol.
sean: who is cute, round and gay?
ex-ncos(whisper): you! *giggles*
wendy(who didn't know what was happening, and shouted): YOU!! *hahaha!*

1am in the morning and we're still awake doing homework! lol!
was so super tired and sleepy that i actually forgot
whether neutralization gives out heat or not. zzz.
maybe also due to smelling kerosene oil for more than five hours.
killed all my brain cells and i became retarded! lol.
slept at around 2am. and woke up at 3+, hahah.
saw macdonald's delivery! the guys ordered it. lol.
slept again and woke up at 4. then at 5. hahah.
my neck and shoulder went numb. :D
so end up my homework still not done. lol.

pt then amazing race.
my station quite easy lahh. the hula-hoops game.
so all the groups generally did very well. (:
but since amazing race is kind of like the only highlight of the day,
so after that alot of ncos went to sleep. lol.

lunch, and it was time to send off our dear dear sec1s. ):
wanie wasn't very happy though.
ncos slacking, and she was the only one doing the sending off.
"right, so i'm the only one who will say bye to the sec1s;
oh. so the ncos are tired. i'm not;
i'm not even the sec1 squad nco. why am i doing this? where are the rest?"
hais. )):

well, since we're all still so tired,
the cis took over for campcraft and drills.
after awhile, some of us cleared up np room,
then the others help to arrange back tables and chairs in class 3/2 and L2.
thanks alot everyone! :D
buuuuuuut! some of us went back to sleep after that. lol.
while the cadets are doing area cleaning. xD

so stupid lor... after the camp i went to get changed into my class tee.
then went back to np room to wait for the rest.
waited and waited.
asraf walked in, took his bag, and left.
so i took my bag outside to continue waiting.
andddd. i heard wanie's voice.
walked to the porch. ta-da!
all there taking photos.
hah, after that vicky carried gordon all the way into np room.
lol. ipah-ed him then all went home. xD

and i met that crazy guy on the bus today again!
he's even more freakish than the first time i met him.
there was a lady sitting beside him, sleeping.
he kept banging the seat to wake her up, for no reason.
but she didn't. lol.
then this small little girl sat infront of him.
he went to shook her hands and touch her face. lol.
and there was this another girl boarding the bus.
he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his own seat.
the mother behind was like super freaked out. hahah.
(gordon said the mother was quite chio! hahah!)
oh. then this guy wanted to alight from the front door.
and the crazy guy actually scolded him for doing that.
he got ignored, of course.
but he went to the driver to complain. -.-
a few other people got harassed. lol.
cause he wanted to ask for the time and kept pestering them.
thank goodness he didn't ask me as i wasn't wearing a watch.
but i was holding my phone. hahah.
he alighted and forgot his umbrella. lol.
gordon very bad lor. thought that he would alighted at the imh bus stop.
people are just suffering from a teeny weeny bit of mental disorder. :D

it is FINISHED @ 18:16

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

dots. i just pack finished my bag for camp.
then realised i forgot to buy flour for one of the games.
soooo super dumb.
and i packed cards into my bag. lol. to play with yuxuan. xD
planning to bring my baobei along. hahah.
but he's like so super big. even bigger than my bag. lol.
and he's looking very very sad now. ):
right. so now i have to go down and buy flour.
won't be back till friday. (:

it is FINISHED @ 21:42

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

hrc today is like a total waste of time.
go there and feed mosquitoes only.
it just kept raining and total waiting time is like 2 to 3 hours?
asraf even brought maths homework there to do!
then i was playing with the cube most of the time. hahah.
and we learnt a new game! called tarzan. lol.
forgot how it goes, but quite fun to play la. hahah.
on the way back saw an accident.
there was a lady lying on a stretcher at the jetty.
half her face covered in blood and injuries on some parts of her body.
then there was the coastal police boat,
and some stupid people from xyz school said they wanted to ride that back.
sians. tomorrow still need to go back to school.
preparation for the camp on thursday.
when the hell will i have the time to start on my homework?!
[glad that i could sit beside you and talk to you =]

it is FINISHED @ 17:54

Monday, March 10, 2008

lol. i'm procrastinatingggggg.
tomorrow got hrc...
nevermind! alot of people not doing the high elements with me. ^^
all don't care liao. anyway, vicki not coming,
so no matter how many people go now, we won't hit 75% attendence.
thus debating whether we should go since there won't be any uopa points. lol.
question for today:
Why must we have homework during the holidays? Explain your answer. [13m]

it is FINISHED @ 20:17

Friday, March 7, 2008

omggggg! i'm so super red now!
totally sunburnt.
was under the sun doing duty the whole day.
so it's like from 9am until 4pm.
looking like a red indian now. lol! (no offence xD)
and something super funny happened.
i was sitting on the sand, with my legs in the inverted V position.
the sun kept shining on my knees.
then when i got up, i look down.
both my knees were totally BLACK!
just like i was kneeling in the soot pile or something.
and i went: omg?!?!?! what happened to my knees???
like so super scary. it's really black lor!
but after awhile it turn back to the normal brown.
hahahah. and yuxuan kept laughing. ^^
whole day never eat so was like damn hungry.
ask jingqiu to bring us some leftover food.
end up it's mee goreng. so only i eat.
cause yuxuan cannot take spicy food.
but after like a few mouthfuls i also cannot tahan. hahah.
then five minutes later i'm having stomach pain.
cause i can't take too spicy food either. lol!
after that the usual stuff. council stayed back and clean up.
together with 4/1, 5/1 and ms sharm.
and then i'm home! feeling superrrrr tired.
having yoghurt now. hahah. pathetic.

it is FINISHED @ 18:16

Thursday, March 6, 2008

holiday is here!!! hahahah.
finally can relax and enjoy. but just look at my schedule!
sunday: anchorvale cc cip
monday: ss lesson, nco camp meeting
tuesday: ATF/HRC
wednesday: meet ms goh
thursday: npcc camp
friday: npcc camp
saturday: finally can rest. after my tuition.
it's so seriously not a holiday can.
tomorrow xcountry at sentosa!
gonna wear class tee then change to pe shirt. hahah.
enjoy the school holidays! :D

it is FINISHED @ 17:59

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

bloody hell... suppose to be a happy post. whatever...
vicki: "hey. look here. i don't like you ordering me about.
even the ci also don't care. who are you to tell me what to do?"
even if i am not, as a fellow squadmate, i can do that as well.
you can tell me off. but in a proper manner and not say it as if you are totally in the right.
saw zhirong today. was supposed to be damn happy.
heck. no mood liao.
all the girls sticked around him when he came to see our training.
except for me. (well, those who know, yeah)
knew from fiona(?) that he's teaching chinese.
stood infront of me during assembly.
then me and weijun kept giggling.
smiled to myself like some idiot during lessons.
that is, until after training. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
irritating bastard. 和你同班真是我三生的不幸!

it is FINISHED @ 19:44

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

heh. got the form for meet the parents session.
and mine is green!! :D
means i'm now in the safe zone. (:
my L1R5 24 now. an improvement of 9 points from last year!
great isn't it! :DD
saw the class ranking thing from mdm neo (which is confidential xD).
i'm 21! hahah. out of a class of 45.
which means more than half the class got L1R5 more than 24. LOL.
highest L1R5 in the class is 45. ):
shhh. shall not disclose the person's name.
and jialin was super sad. her L1R5 last year was 16.
now she dropped to 25. and she was shocked to see it herself too.
she complained to joseph pang. and he said:
"not bad lahh. still better than him right? *pointing to his friend*
he got 54." O.O
anyway. campcraft competition postponed (again) to 22 march.
but i still can't run for xcountry. )):
escaped from np duty but i still have council one.
zzz. collecting the number tags from sec2 after their run.
then in charge of captains ball game later.
oh well. at least krystalle is not running as well.
then we can chat. ^^
march holiday coming soon. enjoy all!

it is FINISHED @ 17:24

Monday, March 3, 2008

got back some sucky results today...
and CA1 was supposed to be easy.
should i drop to combined science?
tough decision. i passed both sciences this time round.
but that doesn't mean i can do better the next time.
should i...?
well anyway. received the terrorist sms thingy today.
and we were saying that deva from 4/6 looks really like him. LOL.
some said martiin too. hahah.
also, qi en and zhirong came back to school!! xDDD
as teachers! lol. qi en came to my chinese class today.
said that for the remaining of term 1 and term 2, he'll be our relieve teacher.
how cool is that!
i wonder what subject does zhirong teaches? hahah.
hmm. how does he looks like now?
hopefully can catch a glimpse of him in school some day. hahah. :D

it is FINISHED @ 18:34

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Linkin Park - What I've Done

In this farewell,
There is no blood,
There is no alibi,
Cause I've drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousands lies,
So let mercy come and wash away...

What I've Done,
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done...

Put to rest,
What you thought of me
While, I clean this slate,
With the hands,
Of uncertainty,
So let mercy come,
And wash away...

What I've Done,
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done...

For what I've done,
I start again,
And whatever pain may come,
Today this ends,
I'm forgiving what I've done...

I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become,
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done...

What I've Done,
What I've Done,
Forgiving what I've done

it is FINISHED @ 21:11

zzz. slept at 4am plus yesterday.
and got woken up at 7 by my mother.
damn. my almost-one-month holiday gone.
the moment she came back, she just had to make trouble for me.
maybe, one day, i would just rent an apartment and live by myself.
independent living sounds so much nicer than staying under one roof with her.
i just can't wait for her to go on another long trip.
hopefully she'll never come back this time round,
be it accident and died, or she has decided to live there for good.

it is FINISHED @ 13:49

Saturday, March 1, 2008

some of these photos are like super long ago.
i'm just too lazy to upload them. lol.
there's the sentosa trip, last campcraft training before competition today,
doughnuts i've bought just now, anddd, lol.

well. competition today. it rained. heavily.
it was a slight drizzle at first. so we just continued with the competition.
then it rained harder.
the ground was so soft that when we pull the rope, the peg came out.
and the loop for the nylon was too small, such that we cannot pull up the flag.
but should be because that it was raining, the twine got wet and created more friction?
well. it was a total waste of time really.
we finished the competition already but end up it was not counted.
great in the sense that we can do better next time round,
but it also means that we wasted 3 hours there while standing in the rain,
and that we have to come back next saturday again
mr koh was like: oh wells. then we don't let this group of girls run xcountry on friday then.
wtf... alot of us wanted to run can.
we missed two years of xcountry and now you're gonna rob us of that opportunity.
anyway, slept for 5 hours just now. lol.
super tired can... the previous night only slept for 3 hours. hahah. :D

it is FINISHED @ 19:58

lol. i just reached home.
and i'm gonna like wake up at 5am tomorrow?
for the competition which is at 7.30.
hahahah. well, anyway.
the show was not bad.
ending kinda expected though it didn't link with what it said at the start of the show.
it wasn't really touching. but i cried.
because of the song. lol. ^^
should i sleep now?
competition is going to be tough.
guess i should. nights!

it is FINISHED @ 00:13