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You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

alright. should have gotten back all of my papers.
to sum it up:
english compre - 12/25
english grammer - 36/50
hcl paper - 16/35
hcl summary - 10/20
maths statistic - 32/40
amaths plane geometry - 16/30
chemistry - 29.5/40
physics - 24/40
geography - forgot, but overall B4
social studies - 8/25
history - 13/25

first time ever that i didn't fail more than two subjects. lol.
my english damn suck. there are people who scored way higher than me for compre.
but also, there are people who scored 1 mark.
it's like, the passage was taken out of a literature book.
so those not very good with lit, too bad.
looks like i should be able to improve bah.
actually, i am already improving. (:
most of the time i will be failing my sciences and humanities. xD
oh yea. just now on my way home overslept. hahah.
and took the bus all the way to compass.
definitely have to sleep early tonight.
tomorrow got class outing. (:
they're deciding to go watch 'the leap year'.
and. hais. last training for campcraft.
will be super tedious? ):
hopefully we can get into the finals.

it is FINISHED @ 18:58

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

lol.. got back a few test papers today.
chinese got 16 out of 35. hahah.
at first mr tay said a particular question can beg for more marks.
then end up my answer not acceptable.
and the dump question is like 1.5 marks, so i still can't pass. xD
then chinese summary. just nice 10 out of 20. lol.
hope overall i can pass la.. like super long never see a C6 for chinese liao.
hahah. all along it has been D7.
got back english grammer paper also, 36 out of 50.
not too bad lor. hahah. cause my phonetics section like. lol.
1 mark nia. xD
it's quite good le kay. lol. alot of people got 0. xD
hmm. then campcraft training.
that ci so damn extra. ask us train one more time.
we were supposed to be released like 5.30.
then it was 6 already he still ask us do one more time.
and my finger is like super pain can.
hit it with the peg 3 times. and twice it landed on the same spot. lol.
then when pulling the flag up, the nylon scraped past my wound.
and it started bleeding again. lol.
hopefully no infection and mole! lol.
jasmine got hit the previous time as well.
but because the skin was not broken, the blood clot up inside.
and when it dried up, it looks like a big black mole there. xD
she just peeled it off during training. hahah.
well. all the best for campcraft competition then.
can use our new strategy, hahah.
the "what's-your-problem game" lol.

it is FINISHED @ 21:06

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

hohoho! guess what! i'm out of taf! xD
took the height and weight thingy.
suppose to lose like 0.1kg but i lost 1 instead.
hahah. and i gain 1cm in height as well! :D
hmm. got back social studies paper. super badly done..
expected though, cause i seriously had no time to finish.
scored like 8 out of 25? lol.
surprising thing was. this is the kind of marks i usually get for history.
so now my two scores swopped. cool eh? lol.
and took back maths paper as well, the one on plane geometry.
and i passed! lol. even though i only know how to do like 2 questions out of 5.
hahah. got a 16 out of 30. (:
pervertic people like hongtao and jingjing scored full marks. -.-
well. at least i passed. :D
mr wong said that the expected msg was like, 1.6?
and our msg was 6.2. lol!
there was another emaths test, expected msg 1.2, actual msg 5.2. xD
right. cross country this year at sentosa. (:
but the letter to parents stated that we have to go home immediately
and no playing in the water.
hahah. as if anyone would listen.
misato was like asking around: who's gonna wear bikini~?
lol. got to make sandwiches now.
present for someone whose birthday is tomorrow. (:
hope you don't get tummy ache after eating. xD

it is FINISHED @ 17:05

Monday, February 25, 2008

add music@messengerplayer.com to your msn contact!
just type the song name and you can listen to free music.
super cool. hahah.

today like quite slack lo.
had maths test. it's a miracle if i can pass. xD
then chemistry lesson did experiment on electrolysis.
the chlorine gas is super smelly can.
maths test plus the gas gave me headache for the rest of the school hours.

hmm. got back our history test paper.
passed first time ever! lol.
13 out of 25. hahah. still not bad. usually got F9.
then after school it was raining, so can't go to the field and train.
also fiona, yuxuan was having bio practical;
asraf, sofiyah, they all had to meet the mrs esther tan (same old counsellor!).
yepps. practised once and the timing was 10 minutes something.
even though it just rained, with the ground soft and everything,
we still spent like more than 2 minutes on pegging.
after that just went home. lol.

it is FINISHED @ 19:12

Sunday, February 24, 2008

gosh. cant believe that i actually did it.
it just makes me want you more.
thanks so much for everything... (:

anddd. ytd's campcraft competition. :(
should say that it was a job well done,
considering that we didn't train for a very long time.
at least like 90% is done.
yeahh... and the stupid flagstaff.
it hit youen's head can.
like so super pain.
during training i got hit on my shoulder,
and yuxuan on the thumb.
but his is the head lehh.
like omg. plus so stupidly there wasn't any reserve.
vicki never come. zzzzzzz.
hope he doesn't get stupid after that.
this is the o level year after all.
after seeing the guys perform,
i don't think the girls will do any better.
plus we'll be competing against nanyang and cedar.
and according to junbin, they're SUPER good.
hais. all the best next saturday girls.
hopefully we can do it well. (:

it is FINISHED @ 15:59

Friday, February 22, 2008

ZZZZZ. i just reached home can.
stupid bus driver.. made us waited for one whole hour at sentosa.
6.30[mdm lim]: bus coming soon, lets go to the shelter and wait.
7.30[everyone]: is that our bus??? FINALLY.
and it's like so damn stupid. just go there, walk the trail, play, back.
reached school like 8? and surprisingly there's still people in school.
waiting for us.
right. chemistry test was not too bad?
first time that i know how to do majority of the questions. lol.
SHOULD have no problem passing bahh... hahah.
and i got back my chemistry mastery test!
PASSED!! hahah. got 27.5 out of 50. ^^
my amaths was 40 out of 80. lol.
now just left my physics mastery. hope can pass lor.
then yeah. got back my geog overall results for CA1.
got B4! not bad le considering i got C6 last year?
should be able to improve quite abit.
cos my last year result was like. lol. horrible, terrible, vegetable. xD
yeahh. and tomorrow is our guy's campcraft competition.
jiayou and all the best kay! sure can win one! :D
will be going to support them! ((:

it is FINISHED @ 21:02

Thursday, February 21, 2008

chemistry test tomorrow!
and i'm so gonna study for it. (:
had talks with mr lim today.
after looking at our targeted L1R5, he was like O.o
"kay people, you all should aim higher.
i don't expect anyone to have L1R5 more than 10.
please go back and revise your targets again,
and do a daily planner for your revision."
hello...? we're called DIAMONDS.
super black in my case. less than 10??
i think it'll be easier to swallow a ping pong ball. -.-
right. i shall be guai and listen to ms goh.
study for chem now! :D

it is FINISHED @ 17:56

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

firstly. grats to all who got posted to their desired schools! (:
and all the best to those who are appealing.
yeahh. today had some diamond counselling stuff.
mrs whoever-she-is, talked like 40 minutes before asking us to do the intended work.
blah blah, i was once an ex-teacher of the school.
blah blah, i'm still in contact with the first principal of this school.
blah blah, there was this man who was so lazy
that he refused to reach down to his feet to eat the biscuit blanket thingy.
zzz. then ask us to do target setting.
spent more than an hour in the room with her,
just to do something we already did like at the start of term one.
after that went home and met this mad guy who boarded the same bus.
he was like rah rah rah all the way when he talk, and pointing everywhere.
the worst is that he gotten rid of his flam on the bus.
goodness know where the hell he spitted. eww.

[i read your heartfelt words,
totally don't know what to do now.
i'm seriously such a failure.]

hahah! i forgot to mention.
and this is like damn important can!
got back my statistics test today!
and i got A1!! one of the 20 students who got distinctions! :DD
like so super cool! lol. okays.
that's all. hahahah!

it is FINISHED @ 17:49

lol! i'm having ss lesson now. xD

it is FINISHED @ 09:58

Monday, February 18, 2008

it seems like nobody is visiting this blog.
good. which means i can talk all the crap i want and nobody will give a damn.
stuffs like? I HATE YOU.
even though i'm taking the blame, i don't like what i'm doing.
make sense? no. it just means that i hate myself.
heck. you just do whatever you want, alright?
depress, emo, whatever. i don't give a damn about you anymore.
seriously, you are one lousy JERK.

it is FINISHED @ 21:04

Sunday, February 17, 2008

hais. everyone's life is like damn freaking screwed up now.
i really didn't do anything to her.
even though i hated her like shit,
i wouldn't touch your precious.
the only time i talked to her was like,
last year national day when she was still in colours.
heck... i'll be the bad guy, alright?
hate me all you want.
i guess we can never be friends anymore...

it is FINISHED @ 20:10

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Everytime - Simple Plan

It was 3 AM
When you woke me up
Then we jumped in the car and drove as far as we could go
Just to get away

We talked about our lives
Until the sun came out
And now I’m thinking about
How I wish I could go back
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It’s like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Ever since you walked away
It left my life in disarray
All I want is one more day
It’s all I need
Is one more day with you

When the car broke down
We just kept walking along
‘Til we hit this town
There was nothing there at all
But that was all ok

We spent all our money
On stupid things
But if I look back now
I’d probably give it all away
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It’s like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Ever since you walked away
It left my life in disarray
All I want is one more day
It’s all I need
Is one more day with you

Now I’m sitting here
Like we used to do
I think about my life
And now there’s nothing I won’t do
Just for one more day
One more day with you

Everytime I see your face
Everytime you look my way
It’s like it all falls into place
Everything feels right
Everytime I hear your name
Everytime I feel the same
It’s like it all falls into place
Everything, everything feels right

You walked away
Just one more day
It’s all I need
Is one more day with you

it is FINISHED @ 22:57

hahah. went to ms leow's house today. (:
her niece is so super cute can! and super smart!
was told that she was the champion for a baby competition.
so cool lor.
at first she didn't want to talk at all.
and stared at us with those big big eyes of hers.
then we keep playing with her, and after that she danced for us. (:
the rest of the day just play and gamble. lol.
with mahjong cards and such. (like so cool. hahah.)
then see ms leow with her boyfriend pics. xD
went to j8 with meishan, cheryl and hueiting
to meet jacob, wilson and junyao.
after meishan revealed the truth about -her-,
she was super sad and keep thinking jacob wouldn't want to be her friend anymore.
well... i seriously don't know how to comfort her.
[it wasn't your fault. you didn't know about it earlier.
and it was a good thing that you tell him,
because it shows that you care and wouldn't want him to be hurt.
i'm sure he knows that you don't mean to purposely say those stuffs to him.
it's just that he was disappointed to have given up earlier.
don't think so much anymore. you are not to be blamed.]
pics for today's at ms leow's house and campcraft training.

it is FINISHED @ 22:13

Thursday, February 14, 2008

thanks so much for today... (:
happy valentines to everyone out there!

it is FINISHED @ 19:40

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

pics taken yesterday during campcraft. xD


hugging the pole for dear life.

here comes the wind!

asraf pro ehh.

a hole made by the peg.

look who's that bimbo!

with a follower!

waiting for ms sharm to start the competition!

who's distracting them?

it is FINISHED @ 19:25

i'm baking cookies now! :D
heh. valentine coming soon. must quickly bake.
all thanks to ms goh!
cos i managed to finish all my homework today!
first time ever! LOL.
yeahh. then got time jiu bake lo.
its turning out horribly la.
the outside super black already then inside still not cooked. =X
and it's not like i'm some famous chef or what.
don't know after eating will get stomach pain not. hahah.
now nobody knows my blog. cos i changed the address! :D
then i can post secrets like:
i still feel like chopping off her head when i saw her today.

hahah. i forgot about this!
we were counting the money for valentines roses.
and guozhang actually tore a two dollar note!
it's those new new plastic type lorr.
super pro. hahah.
and we were like. OMG, how??
in the end he changed it for his own two dollar note and took the torn one.
i didn't know the plastic note can be torn one lor. so cool. hahah.
see see! below! ear kenna cut off. xD

it is FINISHED @ 18:13

Sunday, February 10, 2008

happy lunar new year everyone!
grats to meishan who won $80 plus,
and all the best to yuerong who lost about a hundred? lol.
hahah, and i learnt a new game!
it's called memory, invented by guang, lol.
very fun de! then i keep winning. xD
oh ya. my total angbao money for this year is $196! :D
be jealous! lol.
it's quite a huge sum for me le lahh.
anyway, happy cny again to all,
and have a prosperous and fruitful year ahead!

it is FINISHED @ 17:16

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

lol. so crapp la.
saw her today and my first thought was to chop off her head. xD
gosh, i'm getting evil. hahah!

yeahh. campcraft training very successful! :D
we (yy, yx, me) managed to put up the whole flag staff in like 8 minutes!
very very very good improvement! (:
heh. we were better than the guys can! so shiok. LOL.
anyway, have a happy new year everyone!
get loads of angbaos okayy! hahah! :D

it is FINISHED @ 20:04

Monday, February 4, 2008

i guess that it was a good thing that we break.
you have your own life, your dream girl.
it may be best that i should forget about you too.
heh. whatever. i have my eyecandy now too. xD
he should be able to help me get you out of my mind.
hope you stay happy always. (:

it is FINISHED @ 18:18

Friday, February 1, 2008

i've been dreaming all the time.
you're just like what miss goh said.
break as you like, patch as you like.
what happens now?
did we patch because of that moment of desire?
now that you don't need me anymore, i can be cast aside?
getting rid of me now so that u can be eligible to be other girls' partner?
i really don't understand how you think or feel about me.
it was all just for your convenience isn't it.
you hurt me deeply, twice, in less than a month.
how i wish, that nothing has ever happened.
thanks for everything...

it is FINISHED @ 21:26